Let us get the most competitive exchange rates on the market for you.
Test our rates against the banks!
In partnership with AFEX (Associated Foreign Exchange Limited) with 30 years experience reducing the cost & complexity of trading internationally
•Highly competitive exchange rates
•Personal dealing and account management team
•Risk-management service
•Full range of FX products
•Pro active keeping you abreast of changing market trends and sentiment
•Discounted worldwide transfers (including same-day settlement)
•You’ll have access to market orders enabling you to target specific rates of exchange and secure prices 24-hours-a-day, 7 days-a-week.
• Online trading Facilities: view demo.
• Discounted worldwide transfers (including same-day settlement)
As autumn arrives and business gets back to some normality, I want to keep you updated on the services we can offer you as your finance partner. This month challenge us to better your F/X options.
I am sure that with the return to economic freedom that we have all been waiting for, there will be an increase in certain demands on your business.
Our team is here to help you find the best deals in all areas to keep your cash-flow flowing and your business moving forward.
If you have any queries relating to any of the points covered in this update or require support with any business matter, please speak to a member of our experienced team.
01634 386869
• Hire/Lease Purchase
• Operating Lease
• Finance Lease
• Contract Hire
• Aircraft & Marine Mortgages
• Sale & Leaseback
• VAT Funding Products
• Fixed & Variable Rates
• Structured Repayment Profiles
• Invoice Finance
• 100% Software Finance
• Business Loans
For any of these services one of our friendly and informed team will assist you on 01634 386869.
Whether you are looking to purchase new or used assets, or to refinance existing assets. First Business Finance has a range of solutions that can be tailored to meet your specific requirements.